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红木家具界百舸竞流,各显神通。常有诚信企业强调“真材实料”,也有品牌企业标榜"精工绝艺"。真材实料、精工绝艺固然十分好,但仅此难说达到完美的境界。只有见过锦翔红木艺术家具出类拔萃的风采,才会明白这个领域真的天外有天。 独擎"承祥瑞文化,造百年经典"旗帜的锦翔红木,其最大不同处便在于除了真材实料和精工绝艺,敢于更上一层,不断创新,贼予红木家具祥瑞文化的灵魂,从而有效地提升了作品的内涵。

There are many brands and categories of Hong-mu furniture, some of which emphasize "real materials" and some of which boast "exquisite craftsmanship". But real materials and exquisite craftsmanship are only the basis of Hong-mu furniture, the essence of which lies in cultural heritage. Once you see the outstanding style of Jinxiang Hong-mu furniture, you will understand that tchis field is really beyond heaven. Jinxiang Hong-mu furniture which holds the banner of "inheriting auspicious culture and building a century old classic", has been constantly innovating in addition toits genuine materials and exquisite workmanship giving the soul of auspicious culture to Hong-mu furniture, thus effectively improving the connotation of the work.